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Deciphering a Knowledge Management System (KMS)

Deciphering a Knowledge Management System (KMS)
blog-author Robert 15+ Years of Exp. Team Leader
Avdhoot Avdhoot Technical Writer

‘Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.’ – Anton Chekhov.

This quote from the famous Russian short story writer is sufficient to highlight the importance of a knowledge management system (KMS).

Today, you might have a highly functioning organizational portal with various features and security tools. However, you need a robust KMS solution to utilize it to its fullest.

Don’t worry. This blog explains knowledge management systems and the steps to develop your custom solution. So, scroll ahead to understand its meaning and unravel some famous examples that stand out in the market.

What is a Knowledge Management System?

What is a Knowledge Management System

Simply put, a knowledge management system (KMS) is a software application that captures, organizes, and shares company information with its employees and stakeholders.

The operation of a KMS revolves around the following four aspects:

  • Storing: You can store documents, videos, presentations, and other content in it
  • Organizing: The application structures stored information in a systematic way
  • Sharing: You can promote collaboration and learning by distributing the content to your employees or stakeholders
  • Searching: The dedicated search function helps a user find relevant information easily

If you have this type of application in your business, it is possible to experience several benefits. The next section will outline some of the main ones in brief.

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The 4 Major Benefits of Knowledge Management Systems

Major Benefits of Knowledge Management Systems

If we tell you to develop a knowledge management system, the next reply will most likely be ‘Why?’ First, this application brings positive changes to your company. Read ahead to unravel the main plus points.

Improved Decision Making

A KMS is a centralized repository. It is easily accessible to your employees and can help them make vital decisions quickly.

By referring to historical data and expert opinions related to your organization, teams have a better chance of making strategic decisions. In addition, a knowledge management system can streamline the process by providing access to information without hassle.

Enhanced Collaboration

Knowledge management systems are crucial in connecting employees from different departments. A centralized platform ensures knowledge sharing and information exchange across various teams.

This way, it is possible to enhance creativity as different professionals share content and collaborate on innovative projects.

Better Risk Management

Generally, a knowledge management system stores information on potential threats and best risk management practices.

Stakeholders and employees can access these details to mitigate risks efficiently. Such an application also helps recover from disasters by maintaining a backup of critical content on a safe platform.

Cloud disaster recovery is another effective strategy for recovering from an unforeseen event. Read our blog to learn more about this concept.

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Increase in Efficiency

These advantages arise from the fact that your employees have the time to focus on their core activities. A knowledge management system saves time and effort by providing easy access to organizational content.

As a result, users can optimize inefficient processes and reflect on the best practices at a brisk pace.

6 Types of Knowledge in KMS

Types of Knowledge in KMS

If you understand the importance of knowledge management systems, you will be curious about the development process.

However, you should be aware of the knowledge types before discussing this possibility. The table below briefly explains the six types of knowledge that you can store in a KMS.

Type of Knowledge Explanation
Explicit Documented information like reports, manuals, and presentations
Tacit Personal expertise like case studies, anecdotes, and shared values
Structured Organized data like specifications, sales figures, inventory levels, and more
Unstructured Content without a specific format like emails, social media posts, and client reviews
Contextual Situational information like significant occurrences, personal experiences, and relationships
Organizational Company’s content like intellectual property, business processes, and more

A single comprehensive knowledge management system can store all these six types in its repository. However, the KMS becomes more complex to manage a variety of content. You can create a scalable system that meets your goals with proper change management.

How to Build a Knowledge Management System?

Generally, developing knowledge management systems is a specialized project. For working on a KMS from scratch, you need developers with experience creating web portals.

The basic steps remain constant regardless of the IT vendor. Understand the methodology in this section.

1. Define the End Goals

Define the End Goals

The first step in developing a knowledge management system is goal definition. First, you need to assess the pain points of your company. Here are a few pointers to consider:

  • Are there any existing knowledge gaps?
  • Do you find it difficult to onboard new employees?
  • Is the decision-making a tad inefficient?

A KMS helps solve such issues. Your end goal can be to improve employee productivity by 10% or reduce time spent on marketing. So, always start the process by defining measurable end goals.

2. Perform a Knowledge Audit

Perform a Knowledge Audit

This step can be time-consuming but essential. A knowledge audit helps identify gaps in expertise or information among your employees or stakeholders.

For this purpose, you can perform the following steps:

  • Identify information sources
  • Evaluate the quality of existing knowledge
  • Eliminate redundant content
  • Find knowledge gaps

A detailed audit helps plan the subsequent phases of developing your knowledge management system.

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3. Choose an Apt Platform

Choose an Apt Platform

Before we mention the popular options, you should consider the following factors:

  • Cost
  • Scalability
  • Ease of use
  • Features

You can choose open-source or commercial knowledge management system platforms, or you can build a custom KMS solution.

SharePoint, IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog, and Alfresco are some excellent examples.

Pro tip: Consider the integration ability of your KMS platform. Ensure it is compatible with your existing CRM, HR, or ERP software.

4. Formulate a KMS Strategy

Formulate a KMS Strategy

After covering the technical aspects, it is time to focus on planning. You should develop the knowledge management strategy by completing the following actions:

  • Define Roles: Decide the personnel responsible for creating, updating, and maintaining content
  • Establish Guidelines: Define standards for metadata and content classification
  • Implement Knowledge Capture: Plan how the KMS will capture relevant information about the employees or stakeholders
  • Promote Content Sharing: Encourage your employees to upload documents, share ideas, and contribute their knowledge

In most cases, these four points are sufficient to bolster the structure of your knowledge management system.

5. Supply Necessary Content

Supply Necessary Content

By now, you have the KMS up and running. However, it is time to populate it with relevant information. You can use the following channels to import existing content:

  • Drives
  • Email archives
  • Databases

If you have a content team, assign them the task of creating original deliverables like blogs, tutorials, videos, and FAQs. Remember, information is the backbone of an effective knowledge management system.

6. Train Your Users

Train Your Users

The end users of knowledge management systems can be one or more of the following groups:

  • Employees
  • Partners
  • Investors
  • Regulators
  • Customers

In most cases, a KMS is useful for employees and stakeholders. So you can focus on educating your employees. The main activities include searching, sharing, and uploading information.
You can conduct training sessions or provide a support channel to train such users.

7. Monitor the Performance

Monitor the Performance

There are various ways to track the performance of your knowledge management system. Here are the main monitoring types:

  • Usage Metrics: Number of users, search terms, popular topics, and more
  • User Satisfaction: Surveys, support tickets, customer loyalty, and others
  • Content Metrics: Number of new documents, update frequency, and content quality
  • Technical Analysis: Uptime, response time, security breaches, and others
  • Impact on the Business: Boost in decision-making, rise in employee productivity, cost savings, and more

You can use built-in analytic tools or gather feedback to measure the performance of the KMS.

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Top Knowledge Management System Examples

Numerous open-source and commercial platforms can serve as your KMS. The following table names a few popular options.

Name Logo Info
SharePoint SharePoint logo Open-source platform used in enterprise environments
Drupal Drupal Logo A popular content management system that you can use for KMS purposes
IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog IBM Watson Knowledge Catalog Logo Well-known platform offering AI and ML features
Oracle Knowledge Management Oracle Knowledge Management Logo Good option if you use Oracle products
Zoho Knowledge Base Zoho Knowledge Base Logo Cloud-based platform with features like self-service portals
Notion Notion Logo Versatile KMS platform with many useful features
Alfresco Alfresco Logo Open source KMS platform popular for its flexibility

To Wrap Up

A knowledge management system is an application that shares relevant information with your end audience. Generally, the end users of a KMS system are employees or stakeholders.

By developing a robust KMS app, you can experience a boost in efficiency, productivity, collaboration, and decision-making. Furthermore, your employees can better manage risks due to easy access to organizational content.

Before developing a KMS, you must know the knowledge types. As these subsets increase, this application becomes more complex. Generally, the steps to build such a platform begin with defining the end goals and end with performance monitoring.

In between, you need to conduct a knowledge audit and formulate an overall strategy to supply and maintain the content. You can develop a custom KMS for your company by partnering with certified and experienced programmers. If you are more curious, drop in your requirements, and we will guide you on this exciting journey.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the four C’s of a knowledge management system?

The four C’s of a KMS are create, capture, curate, and collaborate. These aspects revolve around content creation and efficient planning.

2. What are the factors influencing the cost of KMS development?

The budget for developing your knowledge system depends on its scope, complexity, development approach, and maintenance. Your company’s size and number of employees significantly affect the data volume and price.

3. Is it better to outsource KMS development?

By outsourcing, you gain access to the services of expert developers. Also, choosing an offshore company saves costs and helps achieve faster time-to-market. The decision depends on your outlook and preferences.

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