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Offshore Software Development Services

Hire Offshore Developers to Elevate Your Project

Leverage the fusion of innovation, technology, and skills by partnering with our offshore software development company.Choose the services of dedicated offshore developers with a proven track record of delivering high-quality software development projects.

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Global Offshore Development Services
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Our Definitive Offshore Software
Development Services

Our offshore team offers a wide range of reliable and tailored offshore development services for your business with end-to-end consulting and solutions.

Custom Software Development

Custom Software Development

At our offshore development company, we create tailored software solutions that align with a client's unique requirements. These offshore software outsourcing solutions can range from enterprise-level applications to specialized tools designed to streamline specific business processes.

UI/UX Design

UI/UX Design

Our robust offshore development services provide exceptional user experience and unique interface design. Dedicated team at our offshore software outsourcing company create visually appealing, intuitive, and user-friendly designs that enhance engagement and user satisfaction.

Ecommerce Development


Offshore developers create robust e-commerce platforms that facilitate online transactions and provide seamless shopping experiences. This includes integrating payment gateways, managing product catalogs, and optimizing checkout processes.

Enterprise Software Solutions

Software Solutions

The experts at our offshore software development company specialize in developing enterprise software solutions that enhance efficiency, collaboration, and information management across departments and functions

IOT Application Development

IOT Application

Our IoT offshore development services deliver applications that leverage connected devices to collect and exchange data. These applications find use cases in areas like smart homes, industrial automation, and healthcare.

Cloud Application Development

Cloud Application

Our experienced offshore developers leverage cloud infrastructure to create scalable and flexible applications that can adapt to changing demands. This approach of our offshore software development team ensures high availability, cost optimization, and easy maintenance.

Migration & Modernization

Migration &

Our offshore software developers assist in migrating legacy systems to newer platforms. They use relevant technical expertise to create and implement a painless transformation procedure that optimizes and modernizes your infrastructure without causing any downtime for your company.

CMS Development

CMS Development

Our offshore developers enable businesses to manage and update their online content effortlessly. Offshore developers design and develop customized CMS solutions tailored to specific needs.

Consulting & IT Strategy

Consulting & IT

Choosing us as your offshore software development partner helps you align relevant technology strategies with business goals, supporting digital transformation, making us one of the most popular offshore software development companies.

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Why Choose Our Offshore Software
Development Services?

We leverage two decades of experience, technological know-how, and access to a vast talent pool
to help our clients grow while emphasizing cost control. Our offshore development services are
compliant with PCI DSS, ISO 9001, ISO 27001, and GDPR standards.

Offerings core​oofferings Icon
  • Dedicated Developer​
  • Great Communication​
  • Supervision by TL​
  • Part-time QA
plus Icon
Additions Excellent Additions Icon

Book a meeting to know more about our Offshore Development Engagement Model.

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Stewart G

Project & Content Director, Digital
Agency, NZ

Offshore Software Development Services for Exceptional Digital Transformation

We provide dedicated offshore developers at the Best Offshoring Location”. Hire offshore
developers to augment software development capabilities, enhance efficiency, and manage costs effectively.

  • Global Talent Pool Global Talent Pool Hiring offshore development teams provide access to a diverse and extensive talent pool worldwide. This allows businesses to tap into specialized skills and expertise that might be scarce or expensive locally.
  • Cost Savings Cost Savings One of the primary drivers for hiring offshore developers is cost savings. Offshore developers often come from regions with lower labor costs, enabling businesses to accomplish projects at a fraction of the cost of hiring locally.
  • Flexibility and Adaptability Flexibility and Adaptability Offshore developers are accustomed to working across various industries and technologies. This adaptability in the development process allows them to grasp project requirements and adjust to changes quickly.
  • Risk Mitigation Risk Mitigation As one of the leading offshore development companies, we have experience working on diverse projects, reducing the risk of common pitfalls.
  • Scalability Scalability Offshore development teams can quickly scale up or down based on project requirements. This agility is particularly valuable for businesses dealing with fluctuating workloads or short-term projects.
  • Faster Time-to-Market Faster Time-to-Market With access to skilled offshore developers, companies can execute projects more swiftly. This accelerated development timeline can give businesses a competitive edge by allowing them to launch products or features at a faster rate.

Build Your Offshore Dedicated
Development Team

We follow best practices that optimize collaboration, communication, and project management with our offshore software development team to ensure you meet your corporate goals.

A Roadmap to Fill Talent Gap in Your In-House Team

Begin with a well-defined project scope and detailed requirements. This minimizes misunderstandings, sets expectations, and provides a foundation for development.
Hire offshore developers with a proven track record, relevant expertise, and a cultural fit. Look for references and case studies to validate their capabilities.
We invest in onboarding and training sessions if the offshore team is new to your domain or technology stack. This helps them become acquainted with your business context and requirements.
Establish open and consistent communication channels. Regular video meetings, emails, and instant messaging tools help bridge the geographical gap and foster collaboration.
Appoint a Project Manager to facilitate communication, monitor progress, and resolve issues promptly. This central point of contact ensures delivering high-quality offshore development services.
Set measurable metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track the project's progress and quality. This aids in identifying bottlenecks and areas for improvement.
We utilize collaboration tools like version control systems, project management software, and bug-tracking systems to streamline coordination and documentation.
Implement robust security measures to protect sensitive data and intellectual property. Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and secure development practices are included in our policy.

Offshore Software Development
Challenges that We Overcome

  • Communication Barrier
  • Cultural Differences
  • Quality Assurance
  • Legal &Compliance
  • Data Security
  • Technical Infrastructure
Let’s Connect & Collaborate
Offshore Development Challenges that We Overcome
What’s your need?

What’s your need?

  • Hire Offshore Developers
  • Hire Dedicated Offshore Development Team
Let us help you understand your project needs

Hire Offshore Developers with
Technology Proficiency

Our offshore dedicated development team's proficiency in programming
languages, frameworks, and tools enables efficient development, robust
functionality, and responsive design.

Google Cloud
Digital Ocean
Microsoft Azure
Azure App Insights
Team City
New Relic
Data Dog
Azure Devops
AWS Cloud Watch
.Net Framework
.Net Core
Entity Framework
ASP.NET Webforms
Microsoft Silverlight
Windows Forms
Visual Studio
Rider IDE
Visual Studio Code
Fluent Validation
MVVM Toolkit
MVVM Light-Toolkit

Case Studies

Don't just take our word for it - see real results in our intriguing case studies.

Streamlined Audit and
Process Management for Manufacturing Industry

The firm intends to automate its internal processes to boost productivity and refine audit and compliance activity.

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Streamlined Audit and Process Management using MS Power Apps

Optimizing Data Management Through a .NET-based API System

Curating multiple data management needs with an all-inclusive unified API system

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Optimizing Data Management Through a .NET-based API System

eLearning Management Solution for CLE

CLE course certificates are essentials for the Lawyers as a mandatory legal compliance. Hence, the key requirement was to generate course completion certificates based on the User's time zone

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IOT based Healthcare solution for relieving back pain

A healthcare brand based in UK has developed a back movement sensor system to measure the bending of the spine during everyday situations. The collected data serves as a basis for analysis and consultation on lumbar motion monitoring and health

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Intelligent Forecasting Solution for Pharmaceutical Salesforce – Middle East

Janssen Neuroscience is a well-known pharmaceutical brand all over the world. To support their on fields sales activities in Gulf countries client came up with the idea to build an intelligent solution

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FDA Compliant E-Commerce Platform in 90 Days

We developed a web application for UK based Pharma Company selling baby care products using web based legacy system in the domestic market

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Angle Care
Awards & Recognitions

Awards & Recognitions

Explore the notable awards and honors we've received for our exceptional contributions that serve
as testaments for the tag of one of best software development companies

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Our Insights

Challenge your thinking with thought-provoking insights - read our blogs below!

April 25, 2024

What is the Project Discovery Phase?

If you have ever developed an IT project, one lesson might be clear: the budget exceeds its planned ...

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April 17, 2024

A Complete Guide to Front-End Testing With 7 Best Practices

Have you abandoned a cart recently because the webpage took ages to load? If so, you are not alone! ...

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March 19, 2024

Behavior Design - Future of UX

As a business owner, I'm often perplexed about how we might persuade individuals to make certain dec...

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February 21, 2024

Software Development Risks: A Detailed Guide 2024

"All businesses are risky if they don't invest in risk management." Gary Cohn, Vice Chairman of I...

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February 14, 2024

Mastering React Micro Frontend: A Deep Beginner's Guide

Overview: Micro Frontend development is the process of dividing large, monolithic frontends into sev...

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February 01, 2024

End to End Testing vs Integration Testing: In-Depth Comparison

In 2022, cybersecurity spending exceeded $133.7 billion. Therefore, it is necessary to test security...

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Frequently Asked Questions

Outsourcing involves delegating tasks to external parties, which can be either domestic or international. Offshoring specifically refers to outsourcing tasks to a foreign country, often to leverage cost advantages or specialized skills. While both involve external collaboration, offshoring implies crossing international borders for the outsourced work.

To effectively manage offshore resources:

  • Establish regular communication channels and tools
  • Set clear project goals and expectations
  • Appoint a dedicated project manager or lead.
  • Respect time zones, holidays, and cultural differences.
  • Utilize project management and collaboration tools.
  • Provide constructive feedback for continuous improvement.

Read our detailed guide on how to manage offshore resources effectively.

Offshore developer costs vary by country due to factors like skill levels, demand, and living costs. For instance, India offers competitive rates ($15-40/hour), Ukraine ($25-50/hour), and Eastern Europe ($30-70/hour). Rates in Western Europe and the US are higher ($60-150+/hour) due to higher living costs and demand. Find the offshore development rates by country in 2023.

To find the best offshoring location, consider factors such as expertise, cost, cultural compatibility, time zone alignment, language proficiency, political stability, and data protection regulations. Evaluate each option based on your project's specific needs and objectives to make an informed decision.

At eLuminous Technologies, we follow best practices to prevent unauthorized access and data breaches and ensure robust data protection measures are in place. We ensure the security of your legal data by implementing encryption, access controls, regular security audits, and compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR.

Offshore software development can be a cost-effective way to access a wider range of talented developers. By partnering with an offshore team, you can leverage lower development rates in other countries while achieving your project goals.

Managing an offshore software development team requires clear communication from the start. You should set expectations, define roles, and establish regular updates to keep everyone on the same page. Defined processes and collaboration tools like video conferencing and shared documents are also crucial for smooth project flow.

In simple terms, offshore software development is the practice of outsourcing software development work to companies in a different country. This approach is often preferred to benefit from lower development costs and access global talent working in overseas locations.

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