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eLumpix Championship 2024 | A Sensational Sporting Event

eLumpix Championship 2024 | A Sensational Sporting Event
blog-author Nitin Delivery Head

“Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose – it teaches you about life.” – Billie Jean King.

Team eLuminous is glad to share the latest extracurricular activity happening at our organization – the eLumpix Championship. With a zeal to excel in and enjoy different facets of life, our management decided to plan the annual sporting event in the first month of the New Year.

“We believe in an all-round culture at eLuminous. Sports is one of the most important segments of any individual’s life. So, along with the routine professional activities, we encourage our staff to participate in various sporting events to kickstart a phenomenal 2024,” said Mr. Hrushikesh Wakadkar, CEO and MD.

The management organizes a sporting festival with several indoor and outdoor games every year. The eLumpix Championship 2024 has various events like Cricket, Chess (Offline and Online), Carom, and Table Tennis. Employees from different departments can participate in any game of their preference.

Indoor games like Chess, Table Tennis, and Carom are held at the company premises. Furthermore, remote employees participate in online chess from their respective locations. One of the most exciting events, i.e., Cricket, will be played on the 20th of January 2024 at the lush green ground of Sandip Foundation, a renowned engineering college in the city. Two teams – Tech Panthers and Web Spartans will compete in a three-match series for the trophy.

Overall, the environment at eLuminous Technologies is vibrant and filled with tremendous enthusiasm. On this occasion, participants, new and old, interact with each other in friendly yet competitive matches in their respective games. Such sporting events improve various facets of the team and instill a new vigor to enter the New Year with high optimism.

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