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Rise of Self-Service Analytics-What’s Your Call?

Rise of Self-Service Analytics-What’s Your Call?
blog-author Sarah 8+ Years of Exp.

BI-nosaur, Gartner’s research director had initiated this new term for the people who are still using traditional business intelligence. Analyzing massive datasets, formulating result on Hadoop was a complex process. But over the years, that has dramatically changed. According to Gartner’s research director Joao, these BI-nosaurs will eventually become extinct if they don’t accept the new norms like self-service analytics & best practices in the world of business intelligence & analytics.

Self-service analytics, powers your employees to run their own analyses with data, raise questions about the data, evaluate it, get insights & infer the data as per the business needs.

Are you ready to move your business to self-service analytics?

Yes! There are many advantages- different teams of your organization don’t need to be dependent on each other, or on any data analyst to get the data or reports at any time. Suppose your Sales team will run their own sales reports, the marketing team can analyze the ROI directly & change their marketing strategy accordingly. What would get is an ideal situation where teams are being more productive with direct access to data & self-service analytics. But is this happens in reality?

What if someone misinterprets the data & does the wrong analysis? 100% self-service is certainly not possible- you need a professional BI consultant to streamline your data, plan your analytics strategy, and optimize bi tools. And that’s where our BI expert can help you.

Technology has risen to meet the mounting needs of modern business, providing self-service analytics tools that can improve the productivity of business analysts and at the same time encouraging other users within the organization with analytic abilities they would not have otherwise. This gives decision makers a lip to analyze the data deeply & effectively themselves. Thus decision makers get deeper insights quickly which translate into faster decisions that lead to competitive advantage.

What is the conclusion then?

Big Data continues to grow wider & deeper day by day, it’s always better to use self-service analytics technology & BI tools as viable solutions for organizations to meet their business needs.  As a business intelligence solutions provider, our developers see the extensive scope of self-service analytics tools. They will help you to identify the key insights from data, work with visualizations to avoid data conflicts. Our data nerds will assist your different teams to leverage self-service analytics in a proper way.

To get started with self-service analytics, contact us now!

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