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Key Takeaways: 2018 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Business Intelligence & Analytics platforms

Key Takeaways: 2018 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Business Intelligence & Analytics platforms
blog-author Sarah 8+ Years of Exp.

Gartner recently released its 2018 Gartner Critical Capabilities for Analytics & Business Intelligence platforms which will going to be a strong resource for buyers of data management solutions in finding the products that fit best in their organizations. Critical capabilities are defined in terms of quality & performance. Rating is given to each vendor depending on the key features, quality of service they are offering to their clients.

This critical capabilities report is a companion to the 2018 “Magic Quadrant for Analytic and Business Intelligence Platforms.”

Over the last decade or so, the BI platform market underwent a fundamental shift away from IT-centric solutions to business-user-driven solutions. IT-centric platforms had a major focus on reporting which still require modeling effort. From business-user perspective, they were slow & complex to use. Thus, new tools arose with self-contained, in-memory engine with minimum to no upfront modeling requirement & strongly visual UIs. Today, decentralized analytics remains the most common use case for platforms, closely followed by agile, centralized BI provisioning and governed data discovery.

Critical Capabilities reports include comparison graphs for each use case, along with in-depth descriptions of each solution based on the various points of comparison. The study focuses 22 vendors Gartner finds most applicable in this software sector & monetize them against 15 critical capabilities with 5 powerful use cases:

  • Agile, centralized BI provisioning
  • Decentralized analytics
  • Governed data discovery
  • OEM or embedded BI
  • Extranet deployment
After going through the report, we have come up with these takeaways:

Gartner reveals a brand-new acronym:

In the report, Gartner begins with ‘A&BI platforms’ to refer business intelligence solutions & this is the first time we have observed a new name for BI. This change signals an evolution in the space, where antiquated products are being replaced by new, forward-thinking analytics capabilities. Gartner explains further: “A&BI platforms are evolving beyond data visualization and dashboards to encompass augmented and advanced analytics.”

A Plethora of available tools:

Although modern data analytics products are inherently being used by middle enterprises, BI & analytics products also have a wide range of technical capabilities. Based on our research, the marketplace for tools splits into two groups: one for basic & historical data analysis and the other for AI-driven advanced analytics.

The augmented analytics revolution is in progress:

Augmented data discovery is a major emerging trend, but no single vendor provides a complete set of capabilities for every use case. Advanced analytics functionality continues to vary significantly based on the solution provider, and according to Gartner: “significant differences remain between competing platforms.”

For a detailed report of vendors & capabilities, click on the button below:


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