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Laravel 10: All You Need to Know About the New Release

Laravel 10: All You Need to Know About the New Release
blog-author Robert 15+ Years of Exp. Team Leader
Avdhoot Avdhoot Technical Writer

If you are a PHP enthusiast, staying up-to-date with the recent tech updates is crucial. Laravel 10 is up and running. It has a PHP 8.1 version, new invokable validation rules, and several exciting additions.

At this time, around 7.6% of developers prefer Laravel globally. Although the number might appear small, it is still more significant than the share of AngularJS, Ruby on Rails, and other frameworks.

This blog contains information on the Laravel 10 release date and other prominent aspects. Read it till the end and acquaint yourself with the Laravel 10 upgrade.

Laravel 10 Release Date and Basic Details

Laravel 10 Release Date and Basic Details

Before knowing the schedule of Laravel 10, take a look at some of the vital points:

  • Laravel is an open-source PHP framework
  • The initial Laravel release was in 2011
  • GitHub hosts its source code
  • It has features like query builder, eloquent ORM, Restful controllers, and others

The Laravel 10 release date was February 14, 2023. Take a look at the following table to get a glimpse of its latest and older version schedule.

Table: Laravel Latest Version Important Dates

Version Release Date Bug Fixes Deadline Security Fixes Deadline
Laravel 8 September 08, 2020 July 26, 2022 January 24, 2023
Laravel 9 February 08, 2022 August 08, 2023 February 06, 2024
Laravel 10 February 14, 2023 August 06, 2024 February 04, 2025

The new release schedule brings in a standard change in the PHP framework’s timeframe. Before Laravel 9, the developers scheduled a new version release at an interval of six months. However, the latest releases will happen annually.

Main Laravel 10 Features: A Detailed Look

The best thing about a release in the IT industry is the addition of new features. Laravel 10 also brings exciting aspects that you can read in this section.

  • PHP 8.2 Support

PHP 8.2 Support

PHP is an ever-evolving programming language. It has several hi-tech features that you can also experience in Laravel 10.

Here are some of the main highlights:

  • Mark the entire class as ‘readonly’
  • New function: memory_reset_peak_usage
  • No capture modifier
  • Type-system improvement

The new Laravel 10 features will not function if you work with PHP 8.0 or lower. So, note this vital point when planning your next Laravel-based IT project.

  • New Process Facade

New Process Facade

Do you want to invoke command line scripts fluently?

If yes, Laravel 10 brings a process facade that simplifies the testing and running of CLI processes smoothly.

Here are some of the helpful highlights of this feature:

  • Process pools
  • Prevention of stray process
  • Async process
  • Rich testing using fake() method

Overall, such Laravel 10 features improve the handling of your PHP development process.

  • Native Type Declaration

Native Type Declaration

One of the exciting Laravel 10 features is the removal of the redundant DocBlocks. This version will utilize native PHP declaration on generated codes.

This way, the developers using Laravel 10 will get more clarity on using auto-complete features. Moreover, the integrated development environment (IDE) will identify the shape of a parameter.

  • Upgrade in Several Packages

Upgrade in Several Packages

Each release of this web application framework brings exciting additions for developers. Consequently, companies can benefit from new features that enhance the quality of their IT project.

Take a look at some of the Laravel 10 packages that will support the latest version:

  • Horizon
  • Jetstream
  • Breeze
  • Dusk
  • Pint
  • Valet
  • Passport
  • Sail

Overall, the decision of a Laravel 10 upgrade can prove beneficial due to updates of several vital packages.

  • Quick Hash Algorithm

Quick Hash Algorithm

The hashing algorithm xxHash is well-known for its fast speed.

It offers the following advantages:

  • Reduction in collisions
  • High output randomness
  • Increased dispersion

Laravel 10 will have such a high-speed hash algorithm. So, verify if your third-party app package requires specific file names to leverage the hashing upgrade.

The Utility of Laravel Pennant

The Utility of Laravel Pennant

With the Laravel 10 release date, it was clear that the team would offer some significant additions. The Laravel Pennant is one such package.

It will offer feature flags for your web applications. Here are the capabilities of feature flags:

  • Roll new application features
  • Perform A/B testing of new designs
  • Support trunk-based development

You can install Laravel Pennant by following simple steps. Refer to the following table to understand the code and meaning of each step.

Table: Installation of Laravel Pennant

Sr. No. Code Meaning
1 composer require laravel/pennant Open the composer package manager
2 php artisan vendor:publish –provider=”Laravel\Pennant\PennantServiceProvider” Use the publishing code to deploy the configuration and migration files for Laravel Pennant
3 php artisan migrate Develop a features table by running your web application’s database migration

What are the main features of Laravel Pennant?

Well, refer to the following points:

  • Schema builder
  • Migration system
  • Query builder

Model-based database access support

All in all, you can make the best use of this package along with Laravel 10 and elevate the quality of your IT project.

How to Install Laravel 10?

By now, you must be excited about the Laravel 10 upgrade. So, this section contributes by moving one step ahead. Find out how you can utilize this web application framework on different systems.

Laravel 10 on the Latest Windows Systems

Laravel 10 on the Latest Windows Systems

This installation method is applicable for both Windows 10 and 11.

First, you have to install ‘Windows Subsystem for Linux 2.’ This OS feature enables Linux-based tools and file systems to function in the Windows environment properly.

Next, utilize the ‘Hyper V Backend Feature.’ This tool is vital to operate a virtual machine.

Follow these steps to install Laravel 10:

  • User ‘Docker Desktop,’ a containerization software
  • Ensure you meet all the system requirements
  • Run this command in your system’s terminal: curl -s | bash
  • Use the root directory of your Laravel 10 project and run this command: ./vendor/bin/sail up

You can also install the Microsoft WSL extension using the Visual Studio Code.

Laravel 10 on MacOS

Laravel 10 on MacOS

To install the Laravel 10 upgrade in the Apple-based system, you need two technologies:

Run this command from the desired directory to install the application: curl -s “” | bash

Use Sail by exploring the project directory. Now, enter this command in the terminal: ./vendor/bin/sail up.

Note: In both scenarios, ‘abc app’ is a hypothetical web application example. Also, after installation, you have to locate the app on http://localhost.

Should You Choose Laravel 10 for a New Project?

Should You Choose Laravel 10 for a New Project?

Here are the considerations for deciding to choose the Laravel 10 upgrade:

  • The new features resolve bugs in your application
  • Your app has stable performance in the existing Laravel version
  • The testing of your app is thorough and consistent

Consider upgrading to Laravel 10 if you fulfill all the above conditions. So, understand your requirements and make a suitable decision.

Summing Up

Laravel is an open-source framework that is prominent for its robust security features. The latest Laravel 10 upgrade is a new addition that can enhance your development experience.

The Laravel 10 release date was February 14, 2023. It will not support PHP versions 8.0 and lower. Instead, you can use PHP 8.1 onwards to create applications using Laravel 10. Notably, this web application framework has exciting features like native type declarations, default invokable validation rules, process facade, quick hashing algorithm, and others.

Your decision to choose the Laravel 10 upgrade will depend on the relevancy of its new features. Is your application stable? Will it benefit from Laravel 10’s facets? Answering these simple questions can simplify the choice of this intriguing new addition.

For more details, you can get in touch promptly with our dedicated Laravel developers.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I test Laravel 10 on my system?

To test Laravel 10, use the –dev flag and install the framework in a fresh project. Type laravel new –dev in the terminal and start testing.

How is Laravel 9 different from Laravel 10?

The latest Laravel 10 upgrade requires you to use PHP version 8.1 onwards. On the contrary, Laravel 9 can support PHP versions 8.0 and lower. So, choose a suitable option after considering your proficiency in the PHP framework.

Can I install Laravel 10 using Composer?

Yes. Installing Laravel 10 on both Windows and MacOS using Composer is possible. In case of the latter, use Homebrew to install the Composer. You can use this command as an example: composer create-project laravel/laravel example-abc-app.

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