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Why do web designers prefer PSD to WordPress conversion?

Why do web designers prefer PSD to WordPress conversion?

Here are some exciting statistics from 2017 that may blow up your mind!

did you know


  • 50 thousand WordPress websites are being launched daily. (Source:
  • WordPress powers almost 27% of the entire internet. (Source:
  • WordPress sites around the world publish 24 posts per second. (Source:
  • WordPress as a CMS is nearly 12 times popular than others. In the US WordPress is preferred by 50% of the users, with Drupal scooping up 17% and Joomla getting 6.44%
  • WordPress sites receive 22.17 billion monthly page views (Source:
  • 25% of the top one million websites use WordPress. (Source:
  • WordPress blogs receive 46.6 million comments per month. (Source:
  • WordPress gets more unique visitors than Amazon (126 million per month vs. 96 million per month) (Source:
  • There are 2.7 million global monthly searches for WordPress. (Source:
  • 22% of New U.S. Registered Domains Run on WordPress. (
  • WordPress is the Most Popular with Business Websites. (

WordPress is showering extreme business success to the site owners. There is exponential growth recorded in this CMS all because of the immense themes and plugins that it stocks to add high-end functionality to the websites using this open-source platform.

PSD to WordPress conversion came into existence after WordPress gained trust as a reliable web development service. PSD image can be altered to inject fine features into your website and hence enhance the appearance of a website. WordPress itself is a strong content management system and this conversion is like icing on the cake to make the most out of your brand website. PSD files are elastic in nature and that’s the reason designers can make necessary edits for the content and image layers to insert some captivating feel into it.

What designers/ developers grab from PSD to WordPress conversion?

Pixel – Perfect design

PSD to WordPress conversion services guarantee pixel-perfect design that speaks out. A smart use of pixel grids also ensures better positioning of the required items corresponding to the specific image group. As a result, that particular image is used in its most beautiful form. A noteworthy benefit is that these pictures can be viewed uniformly on different browsers.

Wide Plugins Availability

There are about 45000 plug-ins available for the WordPress users. It is quite beneficial when you can see rapid improvement in the functionality of a website to a significant degree. The Developer is not burdened to do a huge amount of coding because desired functionality can be gained by using the related plug-in. In simple words, if you want a specific feature or customization, install a relevant plugin and reap the benefits.

Future-oriented Conversions

Robust PSD to WordPress technique allows web designers to create W3C compliant, exceptional responsive designs websites with a neat, and error-free coding. Here, the authentic semantic code is kept on primary focus for website creation. As a CMS, it also suggests content placement at a right place.

Complete control of the website

The technical proficiency is not a big concern now as we have WordPress. Things are going easy with this open-source platform as the entire control of the website is completely in your hands. As a dual benefit, viewers will always get something fresh and innovative to keep them engaged. As a result, you will receive direct feedback. Site navigation can also be controlled to a great extent through PSD to WordPress conversion process. This is because you can change after empathizing what the users are expecting after visiting site. Engagement and conversions both run parallel.

Soothing e-commerce Integration

WordPress comes packaged with multiple e-commerce plugins that make it a cakewalk to integrate with different payment gateways.

Tell us what you think? Do you need some more details on any specific part of this guide? Share it now, we’d be glad to help you.

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