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Top 7 Reasons to Hire Dedicated Developers in Atlanta

Top 7 Reasons to Hire Dedicated Developers in Atlanta
blog-author Robert 15+ Years of Exp. Team Leader

In the last 10 years, Atlanta has made a name for itself as a premier location for tech workers, and recognition is growing. According to research firm CBRE, 2021 report Atlanta is ranked as the eighth-best city for outsourcing IT talent.

Due to the vast pool of IT talent in Atlanta, companies worldwide are looking to hire dedicated developers Atlanta to develop customized, user-friendly digital solutions.

This blog will dig deeper into why you should hire dedicated developers in Atlanta for your next project.

In the United States alone, the skills gap and talent shortfall are projected to cause a loss of $8.5 trillion by 2030 (Source: Global survey by PwC). Moreover, according to Global News wire, 53% of IT experts and software developers find developers with the necessary abilities would be the most significant business difficulty in 2022. Consequently, locating individuals who can help your firm achieve its goals is getting more challenging today.

One of the best solutions is to outsource dedicated developers from places where talent is abundant. The dedicated developers Atlanta can provide your company with cutting-edge technological solutions and deep industry knowledge.

According to experts, IT outsourcing will generate $351 billion in total income by 2021. (Source: Statista).

Statista IT outsourcing


The top app developers Atlanta have the required expertise and knowledge that can skyrocket your application in less time. The dedicated developers Atlanta aid in cost reduction. They also provide enormous flexibility for firms to succeed in adversity. Thus, if you want to achieve highly functional and robust web and mobile apps, hire a dedicated software development team.
Before diving into the top reasons for hiring developers from leading app development companies in Atlanta, let’s first understand who exactly dedicated developers are.

What is the Dedicated Developers Model?

Dedicated Developers Model

Web development requires considerable skills and competence in various development domains from the experience and know-how of skilled software developers. The most devoted programmers will focus solely on one project at a time.

The term “dedicated software development team” or “dedicated developers” refers to a form of cooperation between a client and a team of developers that is outsourced and works together over an extended period. Similar to the fixed price (FP) and time & material (T&M) models, this is one of the most common collaboration styles.

These dedicated developers use advanced technologies & methodologies to design robust digital solutions in accordance with your business requirements. When you hire dedicated development team, you get a group of specialists chosen especially for your company’s objectives. This staff, who are legally your workers, resembles an in-house team.
But with a dedicated model, you don’t have to worry about administrative, HR, tax, and social benefits difficulties like you would with workers. Instead, you can concentrate on higher-level business concerns while your development partners handle the remaining tasks.

Top 7 Reasons to Hire Dedicated Developers Atlanta

Top 7 Reasons to Hire Dedicated Developers Atlanta

Atlanta is known for its highly professional and excellent cognizance workforce, especially in custom mobile app development. For any business owner like you, being aware of the obvious advantages of employing dedicated developers Atlanta becomes quite essential.

However, cost saving is one of the most significant advantages of hiring mobile app developers in Atlanta. Still, other observable advantages support the rising growth of the IT outsourcing business ($97 billion in the next 4 years).

Let’s discover the essential benefits of hiring top app developers Atlanta.

Reason 1: Diverse & Skilled Workforce

Diverse & Skilled Workforce

Hiring a diverse and skilled workforce from leading outsourcing companies (Learn how to outsource developers) can achieve varied perspectives on software development. You can rely on dedicated developers Atlanta to have a wide range of skills because they have experience working on lengthy projects that require a lot of responsibility.

A dedicated developer’s model makes it easier to use their superior design expertise and coding experience in software project development. You can use their broader abilities, professional expertise, knowledge, and solutions to develop your product by hiring a dedicated development team.

Competence is one of the key benefits of top app developers Atlanta. The app development companies in Atlanta bring their entire team and use their expertise to create a highly scalable digital product. An experienced developer can adhere to the goals and demands of your business. Thus, hiring skilled developers from Atlanta might benefits for your business’s development. You may get the application you want to help your business grow.

Reason 2: Easier Tracking & Management

Easier Tracking & Management

When you hire leading web and mobile app developers in Atlanta, you can leverage their management and project-tracking skills. They will frequently designate a qualified project manager as your exclusive contact point. Your project manager is easily reachable, saving you from making multiple calls to different resources and simplifying your project’s tasks.

Moreover, top app developers Atlanta have comprehensive project tracking in place, giving you access to the most recent information regarding your project work and ensuring that you are aware of its progress.

You can provide dedicated developers direct access to particular project work. When a developer is chosen to do a task, that individual then briefs and distributes the work to the team. The task doesn’t need to be bothered by the principal person or senior management. The development team is responsible for management. They do the assignments with high-quality work within the allotted time. The devoted developer or his team completes the entire task on time. Because of this simple management, you will be more productive and experience fewer delays in your work.

Reason 3: A Great Quality Assurance

A Great Quality Assurance

Throughout the project, dedicated developers Atlanta works as an extension of your in-house team and practically belongs to you. The productivity of your project and data analysis is improved from the outset when you outsource dedicated developers in Atlanta since they adhere to the best practices for successful software project development.

Additionally, the hired web development team has a track record of working on similar projects. Thus, using their years of experience they will provide you with top-notch digital solutions. You can relax knowing that the results of your job will be guaranteed.

Dedicated teams frequently include their own QA specialists, so the programmers will test your application regularly to guarantee error-free coding and flawless performance. Testing is crucial, particularly for large-scale initiatives that require the cooperation of many people.

There is always room for human error, despite the fact that no one likes to accept it. For this reason, quality assurance must be integrated into the development process.

Reason 4: Enhanced Project Outcome

Enhanced Project Outcome

The certain complex project requires specific digital solutions. In such circumstances, a universal solution might not be effective. To address such issues, hiring dedicated developers knowledgeable in cutting-edge technology can make use of well-defined development methodologies.

You will achieve improved results by investing in a highly devoted workforce dedicated to the success of your project. The dedicated mobile app developers in Atlanta use the best software development methodologies, such as agile scrum.

You receive a whole arsenal of ready-to-use infrastructure when you hire dedicated developers Atlanta on a monthly/hourly/fixed project basis. After all project tasks are finished, a committed team will move on to the testing and recommendation stage. Thus, both the project’s overall productivity and quality are improved as a result.

Developers will quickly and effectively work on your software demands with just minimal administration from your end. Their main goal is to offer you high-quality software solutions.

Reason 5: Cost-Effective Services

Cost-Effective Services

It is one of the best reasons to hire dedicated developers in Atlanta. According to some sources, you can cut the development cost by 40% if you employ a dedicated software development team.

You won’t have to worry about additional fees because a dedicated web development company only charges for contracts that are given to them and frequently provides flexible payment options. You will also spend less on office expenses, training and onboarding fees, and other legal obligations. The overall cost of the project decreases as a result.

Hiring dedicated developers Atlanta from leading outsourcing agencies is much easier and cheaper than interviewing and appointing yourself. Furthermore, professionalism and effectiveness are guaranteed when you work with a committed team from a reputable vendor.

A dedicated development team can complete the task more quickly and competently, saving you time and significant resources. When working with a team of professionals, you can rely on their expertise and effectiveness.

Reason 6: Improved Flexibility & Scalability

Improved Flexibility & Scalability

Companies frequently don’t require the same amount of staffing throughout the year. Companies can reduce staff after the hectic season and return to their previous team size, giving them much-needed flexibility to meet their business needs.

Let’s consider one such scenario- suppose you have launched an app on the Android platform, and after its success, you also want to launch it on iOS. In that case, you have to increase your team size to complete the work on time.

It will cost you more in terms of both time and money if you hire in-house employees and spend time training and onboarding them. This is not the case with a dedicated development team, you can adjust the size of your dedicated team in response to changing demands without going through the time-consuming process of recruiting new people.

Simply speak with your vendor, let them know how many and what kind of expertise you require, and they will be available as soon as possible.

The dedicated development model offers an excellent level of flexibility. While it is impossible to sit on two seats at once, it is possible with a strong team. While you attend to other duties, you can have your fully devoted teamwork on the project independently.

Of course, you may decide how much control you want, but most of the time, the teams are made up of professionals who can handle their tasks without your supervision.

Reason 7: Better Turnaround Time

Better Turnaround Time

Quick turnaround time for project delivery is one of the primary reason companies outsource their work to dedicated developers. Minimizing time to market is the key to success. Often in-house teams may need more resources to reduce this time, especially if the project demands niche expertise.

This is when dedicated developers with relevant expertise prove beneficial because they can tap into their domain knowledge to help companies hit the market with the desired product fast.

In-house teams often lack the resources to shorten this time, mainly if the project necessitates specialized knowledge. Dedicated developers with the necessary experience come in handy in these situations because they can quickly assist businesses in launching the intended product to market by drawing on their subject knowledge.

A dedicated team of developers regularly keeps their clients up to date regarding the project and keeps them informed of the proceedings in the backdrop. Other than that, they equip them with the highest web development technologies within a short time frame.

Also read: How to Hire Dedicated Developers in Alpharetta

When Should You Hire Dedicated Developers in Atlanta?

As discussed in the previous section, hiring dedicated developers Atlanta saves costs and time and comes with many other benefits. That’s why today, many businesses are moving to employ dedicated development models for their dream projects. Hiring specialist developers from leading mobile app developers in Atlanta is ideal because you can usually count on them to deliver on their promises and adhere to your specifications.

Let’s go through the situations below where you should hire dedicated developers Atlanta and enhance your business growth by developing user-friendly applications.

  • You don’t have the necessary talent or skills
  • You require immediate, out-of-the-box software solutions
  • You are working on a project with an ambiguous scope
  • You’re having trouble shortening your time to market
  • Your budget is low
  • You can’t use technology effectively

In a nutshell, a dedicated development model is the best approach to getting the right digital solution in less time and cost. For that, hiring dedicated developers from an experienced custom web app development company is important. Clutch is one of the biggest B2B platforms for finding and hiring top-rated dedicated developers.

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