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Does Personalization work for Enterprise Apps?

Does Personalization work for Enterprise Apps?
blog-author Sarah 8+ Years of Exp.

Many companies face tough competition nowadays especially after the Covid19 pandemic hit the world and disrupted the working culture globally, leading to a dire need for optimization of various processes for the fulfillment of customer needs, competitive advantage, and profitability. This has resulted in the large-scale adoption of various enterprise applications software by large and small enterprises for coordinating and optimizing key operations.

Adoption methods of these applications differ across verticals from direct implementation of off-the-shelf applications to customizing them to required preferences or even building fully customized applications from scratch. While off-the-shelf standard solutions offer a temporary resolution, they lack in addressing common and vital issues like scalability and reliability, nor do they take into consideration the unique goals and needs of organizations.

A recent research report shows 60% of workers use mobile apps for work-related activities and 71% access company information for more than 2 hours a week on mobile devices. The Covid19 pandemic has shifted the work culture towards flexible ways of execution and a digitalized, always-on culture. A sudden distributed, remote workforce is required to stay connected and cohesive as well as productive under unlikely realities. Almost overnight, companies large and small needed enterprise applications that could deliver important health, safety, and work-related information directly to employees. Everyone needed enterprise apps that served as a one-stop repository for company policies, notices or trusted, verified outside information, and at the same time allowed urgent alerts, push notifications, and text messages. These applications helped reinforce community and deliver support services simultaneously.

Most enterprise software solutions fail due to inefficient workflows, platform complexity, and limited mobile execution. This makes the employees search for the required results they need across multiple systems, reducing productivity. Personalization is about curating experiences around an individual, it’s developing relationships with each person regardless of the channel. eLuminous team understands the power of personalization and how it can impact enterprises for revenue growth.

Communicate with your Staff

While some of your staff like remote workers, telecommuters, and sales staff will have access to devices on the go for meetings and teleconferences, a large number of your staff may not even have a computer or a corporate email account. An internal communications app for your company will help bridge connections and create a virtual culture for employees who are typically prone to facing isolation.

Top-down updates in large companies from various teams can easily distribute company news, updates, upcoming events or policy changes; employees can share important information or news with each other; social interactions like sharing and commenting on relatable company content help isolated employees build connections and a sense of belonging.

A centralized People Directory in an enterprise app ensures that employees can search and connect with colleagues. They can identify the right person in the hierarchy to support them with their roles at the organization, without ever needing to meet face-to-face.

Improve adoption with reduced App Fatigue

A major barrier faced by management in many organizations is convincing their employees to adopt mobile business apps. People are reluctant to sacrifice valuable storage space, which makes it very hard to get them to download enterprise applications, especially when your staff requires 10-15 apps to optimally make the most of the company’s mobile experience. While an enterprise app store may look like a solution with easy access to download apps securely for necessary jobs, a streamlined business-specific solution that provides seamless access to core tools, processes, and useful information is expected to see increased adoption.

An intranet app can seamlessly bridge the communication gap by connecting the field sales teams with the rest of their colleagues. Using integration with document management systems the app can also function as a central repository for accessing up-to-date product brochures or relevant information.

Cater to the tech-enabled generations

The workplace demographic has shifted tremendously with the youngest amongst the new hires being used to a technologically advanced landscape. Millennials expect workplaces to be technology-friendly. And it’s not just them, a majority of the modern workforce is tech-savvy, especially with social media tools. On average, Gen X – ages 35 to 49 – spend more than seven hours a week on the internet.

To be most efficient in the digital workplace the enterprise user experience must rival the already infectious consumer technology. Today’s always-on generation expects to stay connected and in control of the applications they use. Catering a custom enterprise app solution build around mobile-first experiences, consumer-grade simplicity and social media-level personalization with increase adoption and productivity as well as employee retention.

Support an accessible virtual office

The underlying benefit of mobile apps is mobility and it enables your staff to submit reports or expenses on their morning commute to work, verify prospects while out for a coffee, get notified on updates from the CEO during breaks or even watch training videos during long travels. Mobility offers flexible connectivity which is very powerful when used right. When your staff is able to access the latest essential information anytime in an intuitive and self-service manner, it turns into a powerful differentiator creating higher satisfaction levels. It also helps to avoid dangerous or costly incidents by facilitating better decision-making.

Also read : 5 Key Questions on Reliability That Digital Agency CEOs Must Ask Themselves

Get stuff read (especially when it matters most)

In an age where human attention span has become a contested currency, organizations find it hard when it comes to reaching their staff with internal communication. A custom enterprise app can answer these challenges in a few ways:

  • The enterprise ecosystem remains an underused channel compared to a regular email offering less noise and a higher probability of messages to be
  • Being native makes it accessible, offering an easy UX for staff to access information
  • Using push notifications correctly will highlight important communication
  • It can be tailored for experiences based on personas, teams, or departments

Modern workplaces are continually evolving and choosing what makes the cut for your corporate technology stack can be a challenging task. Consider hire dedicated developer with experience in designing products developed to understand what your staff needs on the go.

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