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How to Choose the Right Web Portal Development Framework for Your Project?

How to Choose the Right Web Portal Development Framework for Your Project?
blog-author Sarah 8+ Years of Exp.
Avdhoot Avdhoot Technical Writer

Web applications have become a vital online face for your business. From offering seamless digital services to portraying your expertise, these assets are integral to customer retention.

The creation of several digital components has become more accessible due to prominent web portal development frameworks. These tools accelerate your website’s development and auxiliary facets like APIs, services, and other critical resources.

As a company, you should know the well-known portal development frameworks. Why?

Well, the proper choice of these frameworks helps create a reliable, safe, and responsive website. Resultantly, developers can create a portal that can suit your business requirements profoundly.

This blog explains all the crucial aspects of web portal development frameworks. Scroll ahead to know the basics, requirements, and details on popular frameworks that can boost your digital presence.

The ABCs of Web Portal Development Frameworks

web frameworks in simple words

To understand the concept of portal development frameworks, you need to become conversant with the following terminologies:

  • Web portal: An online platform or customized website that collects information and segregates it into a unified user interface
  • Framework: A set of tools, technologies, and resources that are integral in managing web applications, portals, and services

Web portal development frameworks have a specific technology stack that aids the creation of customized applications. Notably, an experienced web portal development company is well-versed in choosing the most suitable framework for efficient project implementation.

Before developers create a portal, they analyze the following two technologies:

  • Backend framework
  • Front-end framework

The former type of portal development framework is crucial to handle server-related queries like HTTP requests, URL mapping, database management, and others.

On the other hand, a front-end framework is responsible for managing the user interface (UI) and client-side activities. The combination of both these types proves crucial for custom web portal development.

Understanding Backend and Front-end Interfaces

To receive a thorough understanding of the top web portal development frameworks, you need to be familiar with some technicalities. This way, choosing a framework depending on its development capabilities becomes convenient.

Here are the two interfaces that define your website during portal development.

  • Backend Interface

Backend Interface

In simple terms, a backend interface relates to data or information stored on the computer server. The server provides the desired data after analyzing a request from the user side.

Popular databases like MySQL, Oracle, EnterpriseDB, and NoSQL, are well-known backend tools. Developers utilize programming languages like Ruby, Python, and Java to work on backend interfaces and technologies.

  • Front-end Interface

Front-end Interface

This portion of a web application deals with the elements that online visitors can interact with and view. Technologies like CSS, JavaScript, and HTML are well-known for building the interface of the front-end side.

A strong front-end development team can create a visually appealing interface that attracts and retains users for longer durations. Notably, a website’s Graphical User Interface (GUI) should be ergonomic in case of reliable front-end development services.

Moreover, a fluent combination of backend and front-end development tools leads to the execution of a dependable web portal development framework. So, your developers should be aware of such crucial knowledge to utilize suitable frameworks.

Why Does Your Business Need to Utilize Portal Development Framework?

Today, you need to intrigue the target audience by offering portals that can provide good web functionality. For this purpose, a web development framework lays a solid foundation and enables developers with the following utilities:

  •  Efficient development of websites
  • Proper optimization of portals across all devices
  •  Easy access to tools and technologies
  • Inclusion of in-built security features
  • A readily available platform for hosting websites

After understanding the significance of such frameworks, it becomes easier to decide on the budget after analyzing the cost of custom web portal development.

The following section includes vital pointers that can guide you in choosing a web portal development framework that suits your requirements.

Choosing an Appropriate Portal Development Framework

Choosing an Appropriate Portal Development Framework

Here are some helpful steps that can set the foundation to select the perfect web portal development framework for your business.

1. Evaluate the Web Portal’s Utility

The end utility of your web portal plays a considerable role in deciding a specific framework for development. Before venturing on to choose a framework for custom web application creation, you should answer the following questions:

  • Who will visit the web portal?
  • What features are necessary for offering excellent services?
  • Which platforms are essential for compatibility?
  • What is the time available before launching the portal?

After answering these questions, you can assess the complexity of a framework. This way, it becomes easier to finalize the developer team and proceed to the next stage.

2. Conduct Thorough Research on Frameworks

Assessing the top web portal development frameworks is essential to make an informed decision. For this purpose, you can check your competitor tools or study the frameworks popular amongst similar businesses.

Furthermore, you should assess factors like market share, support base, and quality of plug-ins to finalize the framework. In most cases, statistics play an integral role in such decisions. For instance, if you require a portal development framework that is highly popular, choose Node.js. Over 47% of developers use this web platform. So, hiring Node.js developers can prove a good decision under such circumstances.

3. Decide Hosting and Deployment Aspects

Hosting your online portal is a vital decision that depends on your market and target audience. When choosing a web portal development framework, check if server support is available.

For instance, if you intend to leverage the Windows server for hosting your website, ensure the compatibility of the framework. In other cases, some frameworks support multi-server development. So, choose such technologies to make a proper investment.

A reliable software development organization can offer detailed insights into different frameworks and their utility. So, you can contact such companies to finalize your decision.

4. Choose the Appropriate Web Development Framework Type

Choose the Appropriate Web Development Framework Type

Generally, you will find the following predominant types of custom web portal development frameworks:

  • Component-based: Developers can reuse various components throughout an application. React and Vue are common examples of this framework type
  • Model view controller (MVC): Proficient developers can individually work on each layer. This feature allows the separation of UI, data access, and application logic
  • Micro: These are minimal frameworks with lightweight components and tools. Silex is an excellent example of this portal development framework type
  • Full stack: Comprehensive frameworks that include server and client-side codes. They also contain detailed databases, enabling developers to have complete control of creating a portal

Notably, a reputed web portal development company has a blend of experts who can utilize all or most of these framework types. It is thus beneficial to avail yourself of the services of renowned companies and develop enticing online portals.

5. Verify the Licensing Requirements

After deciding on the utility, hosting, and type of portal development frameworks, you need to cross-check the licensing rules.

Some frameworks enable users to have a commercial license. On the other hand, some web portal development frameworks are strict on distributing online applications. In such a case, you might implement a framework that does not allow proper scalability.

So, you should check the restrictions on licensing before choosing a particular framework.

6. Time Required for Learning the Framework

  • Here are two scenarios that you can consider when analyzing the learning time requirement:Choose a simple framework if you are developing the portal yourself (without much technical knowledge)
  • Discuss the complexity of the framework with the developers before finalizing a timeline.

The learning curve for each web portal development framework is different. Even proficient developers require some time to understand new concepts. So, here are the elements or facets that you should consider when calculating the time requirement:

  • Structure of the directory
  • Programming language
  • Conventions in naming

Overall, assess the time requirement and take the final decision after a proper discussion with the developer team.

Popular Web Portal Development Frameworks That You Can Consider

Popular Web Portal Development Frameworks That You Can Consider

Choosing a suitable web framework requires you to consider some technical aspects. However, you should be cognizant of the specific names that can be worth your consideration.

This section contains the top portal development frameworks from both backend and front-end perspectives.

  • Backend Web Portal Development Frameworks

This table lists some of the most popular backend frameworks you can consider for custom web portal development.

Table: Best Backend Portal Development Frameworks

Sr. No. Name of the Framework Brief Information
1 Django This framework uses Python as the programming language. It is a model view template tool with a convention over configuration pattern
2 Laravel Laravel uses PHP and is a model view controller (MVC) framework. It has a vast library of tutorials with an 9.45% utility rate amongst developers
3 Spring This framework also has the MVC pattern and uses Java as the programming language. It allows developers to create simple web applications
4 Express Nearly 23% of developers use this framework. It is flexible and can work will with technologies like Loopback and Kraken


These web portal development frameworks can prove beneficial for developing your online applications profoundly.

  • Front-end Web Portal Development Frameworks

Here are some of the well-known front-end portal development frameworks you should know.

Table: Front-end Frameworks

Sr. No. Name of the Framework Brief Information
1 Angular Around 20% of developers use this prominent front-end framework. This tool is helpful in developing top-notch single-page applications and the potential for SEO optimization
2 React This framework has a component-based architecture and useful JSX syntax. Famous brands like Facebook and Instagram use this portal development framework
3 Ember This is a JavaScript web framework with a huge community. It has several features and components that makes it an emerging name in the IT domain
4 Vue Nearly 19% of developers use this JS framework, which has a good ecosystem. It has a component architecture in place.


You can hire dedicated developers with expertise in these frameworks from reputed organizations. For instance, eLuminous Technologies Pvt. Ltd. is a software development IT company that has a team of the following specialized professionals:

Laravel Developers
.Net Developers
Flutter Developers
Angular Developers
ReactJS Developers
• And many more

Summing Up

To create a portal that intrigues visitors, you need to choose an apt web portal development framework. For this purpose, knowledge of the basic technicalities like backend and front-end interfaces can prove advantageous.

After conducting thorough research on popular web frameworks, it is crucial to follow a stepwise methodology. First, you should understand the end application of your portal. Next, decide on the server for hosting your web application. Third, choose a suitable portal development framework type accordingly.

In addition to these steps, verify the framework’s licensing rules and discuss the time for final deployment. Notably, approaching a custom web portal development company can accelerate the process of choosing a suitable framework.

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